Thursday, 15 February 2018

Adidas - Pollution Tracking

In order for the app concept to work, Adidas must be aware of the pollution within particular areas of London on a live basis. This could be done in a similar way to the technology that Google maps uses in order to create a live report of traffic in a particualr area; to be able to create a route which is quickest most efficent for the user.

Live Traffic Map Example
Google traffic is a feature on Google Maps that displays traffic conditions in real time on major roads and highways. It works by analysing the GPS determind locations transmitted to google servers by a large number of mobile phone users. The traffic density is worked out by calculating the speed of users along a length of road, Google is then able to generated a live colour coded map. 

The technology the app would use to determine how polluted an area is would us similar technology, areas in which there are more traffic there would consiquently be more pollution. Adidas could use their own technology to be able to gain this information, or it is possible that they could collaborate with the likes of Google, allowing another industry leading giants contribute to improving the fabric of London. 

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