Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Durex - Finding Content

We decided to find stories that worked with the audeince in order for the issue to become relatable across the animations. Without content being relatable 16-24 year olds tend to not have an interest, particualry when it comes to issues that may occur health issues. In order to find content that is appropraite for our concept and audiene I decided to research online platforms that the age group themselves use, therefore story and new networks that allow for contributions from the target audeicne themselves were ideal. Particualrly networks that were renowned for allowing contributors to talk about their expirience and stories when it comes to sex etc. Therefore I began to search for relevant type of stories, which we could be inspired to create a concept for each of the animations. 
Through selecting insipiration from stories that real people have posted online, others within that audience demographic will hopefully be able to pull relevance from such with their own expiriences. Through collecting content this way, it utlises a main method of communication for the key demographic, which in turn shows the way that people deal with their issues around condoms within the demo; and therefore ensures by taking inspiration for our storylines the information will be as relevant as posisble. 

Key aim: to take inspiration from relevant stories to create a set of three storylines to be animated that hihglight they key issues with 16-24 year olds using condoms, which would be releaved/resolved with proper use/carrying a condom regualrly - a representation of each age of the demo should be considered in the storylines, considering their age and what type of sitaution they may find themselves in. In turn allowing the storylines to be more relevant to the particuar audience that is viewing that particular animation. 

Manchester Student - in need of a condom
Buzzfeed - 19 Embarrassing Condom Stories
24 Condom Confessions
21 Awkward Moments People Have Experienced in The Condom Isle
Ranker - Condom Horror Stories

Research Notes:

Toilet Story - Simon, 20

I met a girl in a club. She pulls me towards the toilets, by this point I’d down a couple of Jägerbombs and felt pretty awesome. The time had come, but neither of us had a condom. So she goes out to buy one. She left the door wide open, leaving me exposed. Someone walked in, a girl I went to uni with. She never seemed to be able to look me in the eye during lunch times ever again really.

Notes of storyboard:
1.   Starts sitting in interview.
2.   Jagerbombs being downed/dropping of the shot.
3.   Lock on the door.
4.   Outline dashed of a condom.
5.   His perspective.
6.   Back to interview seat.
7.   Sex themed plate of food.

The pinch - Emma, 23

“Well, I just found out last year that you’re supposed to pinch the tip to get air out. But the kicker is when I pitched my first tip, it wasn’t just the condom. A lot of apologizing followed.”

Notes of storyboard:
8.   Starts in romantic setting, candles, petals… music. ‘The mood’.
9.   Partner arrives.
10.Wooed by all the romantic paraphernalia.
11.Gets a condom out, she attempts to be all seductive.
12.Pinch’s penis, ‘candle pinched out imagery’
13.Mood is ruined/lots of apologizing.

Dad - Eddie, 17

"I was buying condoms, the other day. While I was perusing the options, I accidentally bumped into a middle-aged man, also having a look. As I began to apologize for bumping into him, I looked up and it was my dad. We were both mortified, and still have not talked about it to this day."

Notes of storyboard:
14.Sitting interview
15.                 Shop door open with sliding noise
16.                 Condom selection using durex colours
17.                 Back to interview.
18.                 Some sort of embarrassing/apologetic imagery.
19.                 Moustache for dad.
20.                 We were both were mortified - back to the interview.
Possible Doggo

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