Sunday, 19 November 2017

Design for print - Initial Design Ideas Crit

handy functional guide devlivered through personal or matter of fact
affordable, bare in mind die cutting
photo corners for people to add to
stick own things in
wreck this jounrnal vibe
date and place and emotions
colour swatched from the images
tie around diary/journal style


  • Wreck this journal interactive inspiration, ask for rubbings/inserts from the particular places. 
  • Modern and simplistic style, the target audience are young and design conscious. They're travelling by themselves in a place they dont particalary know well, they should feel comfortable with the book design and be able to relate to it. 
  • Based on feelings, how you feel in each particular place and how you feel when you're there. 
  • Cover with a lip over the cover, and an elastic fasening. 
  • Pouch at the back to keep photos and findings in. 
  • off white paper, with high gloss photos, shows a contrast between the notes and interactive sections and the photos from the content. 
  • spot varnish over the images when theyre in a instant photo like frame, this will be a consistent theme with photo corners which will allow people to insert their own photos from the travels. 

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OUGD603 - Statement of Intent

I am a graphic designer with a great interest into branding and visual identity, using a mix of modern and traditional styles in a sophisti...