Sunday, 19 November 2017

SB1 Evaluation

Overall, I believe the book has been successful in terms of fulfilling the client’s needs and the book takes on board not only the concept behind the book but also the takes into consideration the content in a way that is visually evident. My minimalistic style throughout the book keeps the focus on the content itself and visually tells the audience that the focus needs to be on their own personal journey and cultural development, rather than the more typical guidebook which simply guides the person to various locations. The stock I chose was cheap enough to keep the book available and assessable to all of the target demographic, yet still durable enough to fulfil the purpose of supporting tip ons, and being a regularly used interactive reference. The book itself is about the person themselves making the content eventually about themselves through recording their journey, the photo placement corners all the audience to have a platform to do so. My binding considerations were changed and developed throughout the production method of the book, although this was testing it enabled me to develop as a designer and gain a greater appreciation for appropriation importance when it comes to binding. This would be something that I will test more in the future, as I will be able to gain a solution to the design problem at hand in a more concise manner. Yet the binding I did end up creating was appropriate and justified with the concept and design of the book. The choice of type used throughout the book keeps the content clear and easily legible, yet the deep contrast between the line weights and characters of the heavily serif’d Bodoni type adds a sense of class and modernism to the piece. Not only does this add a visually sophisticated feel, but also enables the audience to have more reliance in what the content is saying. The minimalistic feel to the exterior of the book gives away the atheistic of the content, as well as keeping it almost a mystery, further playing on themes of making the content subjective and interactive; the more the user does with the book the clearer the content becomes. These themes are further evident within the covering of the content of the book as well as the manipulation on the full bleed double page spreads.
If this book was mass produced some of the methods I had included, such as spot varnishing, would need to be taken into consideration as doing it by hand took more time and would increase the sale price of the book. Yet industry equipment would be able to resolve this issue.

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