Wednesday, 1 May 2019

AC - Future Brand Development

In terms of future development of the brand during the last meeting the designer consulted me to ask if it was possible to create designs that can be used for paper bags which could be handed out at design festivals. This would be in place of the paper portfolio/product pack, therefore of is important to retain a printed version of the work itself with the logo overlaid in a similar way that is on the business card. This also includes a similarity in the brand identity between the different methods of visual advertising and communication. The designs are in place and ready to go although they are not yet needed due to funding issues, the designer will be producing them externally nearer to the time of their own deadline to produce an external pack to be able to present. I felt the best way to present this to the designer overall was to create a mockup which allowed for the closest visual representation as the end produced bag would resemble. 

Bag 1

Bag 2

Bag 3

Bag 4

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OUGD603 - Statement of Intent

I am a graphic designer with a great interest into branding and visual identity, using a mix of modern and traditional styles in a sophisti...