After the assistance of the Photoshoot Courtney and I decided to meet again, at this meeting we discussed three the research I had initially looked into to ensure the style of the book was in line with what she was imagining. In terms of the exterior being embossed/debossed and decorated with a gold gold in the style of a vintage traditional book colony said that this would be ideal for her concept due to the fact that it has a surrealist nature and links back to nursery rhymes and poetry that she had sourced with a surrealist feel. A lot of the content which you desire to have in the book had a vintage nature to it in terms of its origins and therefore this book style would suit it best some of the garments have traditional undertones she also described that are being used within some of the other sheets, therefore a traditional style would also complement the styling of the garments themselves.
In terms of typography Courtney wish for something more simplistic believed even though that the typography investigated into does show surrealism in a visual way, she wanted the images to provide the surrealist nature the typography was more something to complement the images and therefore needed to be something that wouldn't particularly distract from the images themselves. She explained that she would rather more simple typography of traditional nature but used in a modern way, for example lots of white space and negative space to be allowed the image to speak for itself and provide the surrealist nature towards the book.
In terms of layout she enjoyed the simplistic nature of the layout found within the other surrealist book, I felt this was fitting for the book and the other feedback which I'd already received due to the fact that she wanted the images to speak to the surrealist nature rather than the layout itself. In order to have the book speak for its surrealist nature it was required that the images were large and had enough room to breathe, in terms of being not distracted from the image next to it or from another image place above it. This also led me to the idea of having completely simple white backgrounds where backgrounds are needed, once again to not have a distraction against the colours used within the image of the garment as they are representative of Surrealism within the work.
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