Thursday, 2 May 2019

Durex - Illustration Development

The next step to the design process was taking each of the screenshots from the animatic's and deciding the best way in which to illustrate them. The clear colour theme would need to be consistent throughout, the video we had decided to create blue was the colour scheme. Therefore, the illustration of the boy himself mainly consisted of differentiating blue, as can be seen from the final product below. These final colours on the last complete illustration were watched and carried throughout the rest of the design process, in order to keep a visual coherence between the hue.

Initial Illustration

Illustration Paths

Figure 1
As can be seen in figure 1 each of the illustrations was consulted with against the animator’s opinion. This was done through online chat in order to keep moving forward with the brief as quickly as possible, ensuring to keep to the deadline. As can be seen in figure 2 feedback was taken into account and amended, as can be seen in the final image in figure 3.

Figure 2
Figure 3
As can be seen in the final image (figure 3) the final the illustrative design style was a compromise between the initial simpler style and the more colourful develop style which was given positive feedback via designers of the age group of the target audience themselves. As can be seen in figure 4 after the first illustration had been signed off by the animator, the colour scheme was captured in carried out throughout the rest of the illustrative requirements where possible, as previously discussed.

Figure 4
As can be seen below within figure 5 each the elements needed followed the same creative process, in the elements where multiple layers were used in order to show reflection or needed in order to be able to animate later on; elements were created separately overlaid accordingly after being separated into their correct layering sequence. An example of which can be seen below again in figure 5 with the designing of the jägerbomb glass and jäger shot were all kept separately, due to the nature in which they needed to be animated. Layering the main feature in the way they will be when the animation finishes were experimented with to ensure that visual style was kept coherent with the rest of the animation.

Figure 5
In order to clearly represent the way in which each of the illustrations was created decided to take a quick screen grab video of the creation of one of the smaller elements which were going inside of one of the larger elements. Each element down to the very last detail was done by hand from scratch, in order to ensure uniqueness and clarity throughout the entire illustrative style, as well as consistency throughout the entire campaign as a whole. The video of the process can be seen below.

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