Tuesday, 16 May 2017

SB1 Initial Ideas Extended

To further explore some of my original ideas I created a few quick experimentations to depict how the ideas would come together. The guilty is done in Bodoni, highlighting the influence the segregation has on the members of the community in terms of the case, being a traditional typeface; representing traditional and racist views of the people. This was then print and ‘not guilty’ written with a pen in the left hand, representing the way in which Tom Robinson cannot use his left hand, which is key proof that he was of innocence.

Cover Mockup
Mocked up onto a cover this design is completely monochrome, relaying the importance of the concept behind the imagery. Bodoni was further used for the author name and title to keep the focus on the difference between the computer generated and hand text, leading the audience to consider its meaning and depth more.

This is a further experimentation of the sketch in which the hands are tearing apart the flowers, I have further developed the idea creating it from hand collage techniques. The hands feature vitiligo hands, a skin condition which affects the pigmentation of skin, in this case it is representing the segregation of the races in the book. The scene of the garden is important in the children’s moral development; this is why the hands have been placed above them depicting the influence the adult community and its nature of the town is influencing the children. In Scout’s case her morals remain pure and innocent, here represented in the clear gaps between the florals, even though these events are happening around her she remains with the metaphor statement about the mockingbird.

Cover Mockup
The cover mock-up keeps the collage in its simplest form, keeping the conceptual idea to its most basic of visual, with digital text superimposed over it. If this idea was chosen the concept visualisation would be developed into a more polished final outcome.

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OUGD603 - Statement of Intent

I am a graphic designer with a great interest into branding and visual identity, using a mix of modern and traditional styles in a sophisti...