Thursday, 18 May 2017

SB3 Poster Design

Our poster designs began being developed with the idea of the sandwich board behind them driving the design decisions. Using one of the logo variations Josh was able to create these posters (as seen below). The first poster featured the three red stripes across the top, resembling a breaking news banner, this is then reflected with the information being held within three stripes below. Both the logo of Room 700 and the library are recoloured to be able to further represent the brands identity and retain consistency. Although upon reflection with the group the use of three handmade red lines was questioned, this would be taken out of any further developments. It was also discussed that the black writing should be removed in further developments as it gives extra information that isn’t needed on the first poster. The information of the exhibition alone is needed, the other information can be found in other places, such as on social media and in invites and handout flyers.

Initial Poster Development

The second poster development is taking more inspiration from the sandwich boards, through the use of an overlay this is something that could be superimposed over the poster by screen print, this would utilise the college’s facilities and further link into the exhibition being solely traditional print based. The poster enlarges the three red stripes done by hand, this is to represent the strong visual identity of the brand and the way it is transferable over different medias and materials.
From crit feedback for this poster, it was said that the black writing should be taken off further simplifying the design, and bringing the key information to the forefront of the audience’s attention.  It was also suggested that the handmade red marks should be removed as they don’t appear anywhere else in the exhibition branding.
Second Poster Development

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OUGD603 - Statement of Intent

I am a graphic designer with a great interest into branding and visual identity, using a mix of modern and traditional styles in a sophisti...