Sunday, 28 April 2019

ID - Crit 1

Before continuing on with the development of the brief, I decided to have a critique session with peers. In this critique I'd explained what I found in my research briefly, I'd also explained the reasoning for why I'm looking into this issue. After doing so I shortly explain to the three ideas that I had become itself, asking fellow designers which they think would be most effective to be able to achieve greater awareness of invisible disabilities on travel for London network. Idea one proved to be most popular although it was agreed that emotions could not be used to something as it was too subjective whereas the awareness campaign needs to show invisible illness as a real and serious thing. Idea 2 was not deemed appropriate for the reasons I had said in the last blog post. Idea three proved popular also because of the fact that people would be learning from the information they are getting. Therefore, it was discussed mixing both idea one and three giving a visual and strapline of an understanding of invisible illness and supporting it with facts that I have learned from my research beneath. In doing so it's putting a highlight on the word invisible which is a massive barrier the people who live with these illnesses, was also informing and raising awareness to people who don't particularly understand them.

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OUGD603 - Statement of Intent

I am a graphic designer with a great interest into branding and visual identity, using a mix of modern and traditional styles in a sophisti...